Over the past 2 weeks I have shared inspirations, blogs, and videos about both being Accepted in the Beloved and on Self-Acceptance. If you ask me, these are foundational elements to a full and abundant life.
There is so much talk these days about our world going to hell in a hand basket and how F'd up every thing and every one is. We can go cray cray trying to fix others, structures, systems and so on. If we want to change our world, we have to start with ourselves. The trouble is and as my hubs would say, "Crazy can't fix crazy." What he means by that is we cannot solve the problem with the same mind that in essence, created it. I cannot talk myself into accepting myself and loving myself just because I use a boat load of positive affirmation. If at a subconscious level, I do not believe I am really that good or lovable or worthy, then I will only produce the results that I can strive for at a conscious level.
We have to go deeper. We need something more. In fact, we are Made for More.
Knowing that we are Accepted in the Beloved, that we are loved and that Christ not only died for us, but as us and as we grow in this realization, we begin to live from this never-ending source of love and acceptance and in due time, it will spring forth and flow from our very being, our essence will be His essence and from there, the opportunities are endless.
As we change because of what He says about us, it changes the way we see others and the world around us. Love heals minds, bodies, relationships and eventually the entire cosmos. Love is who He is and He lives in us and and through us.
Watch the video recording released 5/31/23 on my YouTube Channel (and please subscribe for weekly videos!). If we want change, as Michael Jackson would say, start with "the Man in the Mirror".
Here you will get the background to my June Challenge where viewers can join me for 30 days of intentional mindset renewal. All you will need is a mirror, two minutes of your time to watch a daily reel or story on @AmyKHauser on either Facebook pages or Instagram and a minute with a mirror or piece of paper. That is it. And of course, commenting helps us engage what we are learning by further embedding the take-aways into our hearts and not just our minds.
I hope you will join me as you walk further into who you are and how you are really seen. Friend, you are more incredible and worthy than you can fathom. Let's do this.